The main aim of the program is to help Roma families become a source of understanding of identity, ethnicity, stability, self-confidence, acceptance and self-value.

If we want to be good parents, we need much knowledge and many skills. There is no „parental school“ available so it is not easy to be a parent. Most of us learned valuable things from their parents, who were our role-models.

Many of our beneficiaries did not have good models in their families who could ensure a safe environment, while some of them did not even have a family at all. This is the reason why they failed when it comes to creating a new family. Our educational programs give them the opportunity to learn new things and to bring a real change in their life.

Besides education, our activities include social field work. Through this work we try to solve problems like: default in payments, bad money management, truancy, drugs and prostitution, deliquency of children, unemployment and usury.

When dealing with Roma minority, respect is a key word. Respecting their culture and traditions ia an open door towards them and in the same time it helps us keeping a stable and positive relationship.